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Leigh received a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Austin in May 2013. She has a mind made for puzzles (do not challenge her to a game of Set), an embarrassingly high wpm, and has loved technology, computers, and gadgets all her life. Her educational pursuit of CS began in 2006 in the Computer Science AP classroom. 

Leigh was already one of the few females enrolled in Computer Science AP, but the next academic year she became the only female underclassman of eight students selected to return for Computer Science II AP. She participated in the IBM Master the Mainframe Competition and applied to attend the First Bytes Computer Science Camp at UT the following summer.

After attending First Bytes at UT Austin, Leigh was a recipient of the Scholarship as well as the First Bytes / Scientists for Tomorrow Scholarship. She was mentored by prominent faculty members throughout her undergraduate studies. There are many things that make Leigh unique, but she remembers being the only student with an "E" (Extrovert) MBTI personality type in the Introduction to Computer Science course. 

Leigh participated in summer internships and accepted a full-time software development job before her senior year at UT. She has been in software developer roles, client-facing roles on SDLC implementations, and has continually tried to bridge the gap between the two roles with her outgoing personality and technical knowledge. Top Secret SSBI date: 04/22/2019. 

If you are interested in Leigh's current resume or a hiring opportunity - please use the contact form. 

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